Yins Role in Reducing Stress

Building Resilience – Tools to help you cope better and manage overwhelm

It’s easy to burn out, be emotionally buffeted and knocked over in life and it takes strength to get back up and rebuild.

If you need a helping hand and some tools to build up strength, confidence and resilience then this Wellness Day Retreat is for you.

Puhoi is only a 45 minutes drive from Auckland, a rural sanctuary on a riverside setting, where you can slow down, re balance and learn some wellness coping tools to help you better manage stress
and anxiety.

Turn your phone off upon arrival and let our Wellness Day Retreat team work their magic.  Start the morning with a calming herbal tea, enjoy the native bush and gardens and meet the 7 other people on the Wellness retreat with you (we keep the numbers small to allow you to have one on one time with our wellness practitioners).

How will the day go?

9am – Arrive and settle in, hand over your phone, enjoy a cup of herbal tea and start to slow down before you start your wellness reset.

Qi Qong with Michelle. You will love this calming, re balancing practice. This practice restores calm to your nervous system through breath work, diaphragmic breathing and mindfulness, allowing your whole nervous system to relax and your mind to slowdown. A nourishing practice for both mind and body.

High Tea, and meditation to restore your sense of inner balance.

Acupressure Points. Body mechanic and massage therapist Sophie Wood will guide you through pressure points on the body and feet (reflexology) to help relieve stress and calm the nervous system.  Get hands on with some self-acupressure techniques and discover new tools to promote wellbeing and vitality.

Lunch. Enjoy a delicious lunch on the balcony overlooking the river. You have time to chat and connect, browse our wellness library, have a walk or take yourself off to a quiet corner for self-reflection and journaling.

Creating morning and evening self-care rituals. A thought-provoking session where you will discover ways to make more space in your life for self-care. Michelle will provide you with wellness ideas and tools to incorporate into your daily routine to help you to grow, heal, nurture and reach your goals.

Self-reflection – Time to take charge of your growth and healing, journaling can help with this as you process what you have learned and ask any questions. You will be provided plenty of space and opportunity to reflect through out the retreat. Experience has shown us that reflecting while you are still in this nurturing space provides the best benefits for our clients.

4.00 pm – We hand your phones back and say our farewells.





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What People Say About This Retreat

Over exceeded expectation, friendly and professional. Loved the level of expertise of the 3 presenters but always delivered in an easy to understand language. Came away with life tools, a better understanding of triggers, feeling blessed out and very calm. Plus loved all the attention to detail and a chance to connect with other women in a safe space.


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